Sky Wave Sculpture


Abstract sculpture embracing a dynaimic organic form inspired by shapes found in nature.


Made from locally sourced Tasmianian Blackwood timber. Each sculpture is lovingly carved from a custom-selected bit of locally sourced timber to provide its own unique grain pattern and character. As each one is custom carved they are all slightly different in shape and size. The upmost effort has been put in to sustainably source all of the materials used to ensure the most gentle of footprints.

Dimensions –

Height – 820mm
Width – 240mm
Depth – 240mm

These were carved from tasmainian blackwood that was sourced from a local plantation. It is owned by a chap called Rienhold and his little patch of froest is on the west coast of NZ. His grandfather planted the trees when he first settled in NZ and Reinhold has decided to put any profits earned from harvesting them back into native forest regeneration projects so he can see his family’s legacy of planting tress carry on through the generations. It makes me happy to think that by buying the timber to make the birds that it is helping to sustain NZ’s stunning west coast forests :).

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